How to setup

a large power supply

Author: PicoFarmLED
Credit: PicoFarmLED

This type of power supplies have the advantage of being very powerful, some of them could power dozens of PicoFarmLED panels, but does not come with the wires, but don't worry this guide will take you through the setup:)

Check your local amazon, they all have a large number of variants for those, make sure it's 24v.

What you'll need

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Author: PicoFarmLED
Credit: PicoFarmLED


All the wires are on the front panel of the power supply, they are in the form of screwable sockets. To insert a wire, first unscrew a socket, insert the wire, and then screw back on the wire.

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Powerline setup

Author: PicoFarmLED
Credit: PicoFarmLED

Powerline setup

First let's setup the power line wires.
Locate the sockets marked L, N and Ground wire sign (see pic)

Take a 110/220 wire, remove the chuko plug by cutting the wire.
You will find three wires, the most important one is the green one, usually with yellow stripes (see next step). This one is the Ground wire.

The two other wires will have different colors depending where you are on the planet. Those two wires are interchangeable, they will go in the L and N ports.

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Plug power line wires

Author: PicoFarmLED
Credit: PicoFarmLED

Plug power line wires

Ok so now let's insert the wires, first unscrew the sockets, then insert the wire, then re-screw the socket, make sure the wire is fully in.
Do this for all three wires.
Make sure the connections are clean, and there is no contact between the wires (make sure no metallic thread is out of its socket)

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Add hot glue

Author: PicoFarmLED
Credit: PicoFarmLED

Add hot glue

To make all this as secure as possible, add a good amount of hot glue on top of all this.

Don't hesitate to put a lot, to make sure the wires are well kept in place and the screws are totally covered, preventing any potential contact.

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24v power wires

Author: PicoFarmLED
Credit: PicoFarmLED

24v power wires

Now for the 24v power wires, locate the sockets marked as "V-" (or " COM") and "V+". They are usually organized like on this pic, with all negatives on one side, and all positives on the other.

Same as before, unscrew the socket before inserting the wire, then re-screw the socket. Make sure the wire is fully in and tightly attached.

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Waggo 24v +

Author: PicoFarmLED
Credit: PicoFarmLED

Waggo 24v +

Now take a waggo plug, and insert the red (+24v) wire.

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24v ground wire

Author: PicoFarmLED
Credit: PicoFarmLED

24v ground wire

And do the same with another waggo plug and the blue (-24v) wires.

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LED white wire

Author: PicoFarmLED
Credit: PicoFarmLED

LED white wire

Take the white LED power wire, and insert two jumper wire like on this pic.

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Insert the LED 24v power

Author: PicoFarmLED
Credit: PicoFarmLED

Insert the LED 24v power

Insert the red jumper wire (+24v) in the +24v waggo (with red wire).

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Waggo ground wire

Author: PicoFarmLED
Credit: PicoFarmLED

Waggo ground wire

Do the same with the GND wire from the LED panel, into the waggo with the blue wire (-24v from power supply)

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